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3D Tomorrow 3D Tomorrow 3D Tomorrow
3DTomorrow 3DTomorrow 3DTomorrow

Resin Safety – A potentially hazardous hobby

A few weeks ago, I posted a rather gruesome picture on Facebook. It was a picture of my leg, with second-degree chemical burns. Exposure to the resin that I had spilt on myself when I was moving an SLA 3D printer into my new facility. Had caused these nasty, painful burns, and mistakenly continued to work for a while rather than cleaning up my exposed skin. I posted the photos as a resin safety reminder, but it amazed me at the response to the post. While most people took the post as what I intended it to be- a WARNING...

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3D Printer Reviews

Artillery Genius Pro Recently Revealed And Initial Review

On August 8th, the Artillery Genius Pro and Sidewinder X2 were officially revealed and released for sale. The official Artillery website now offers both 2021 models. Special launch prices were available for a limited time. In this article, we will be unboxing and reviewing the new Artillery Genius Pro FDM 3D printer. Component upgrades and alternative versions may be offered at some point. The prior generation of the Genius and Sidewinder could be upgraded with official metal extruders, all-metal hot-ends and hardened steels nozzles. Keep an eye out for these items in the coming months. Genius Pro Highlighted and...

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3D Printing Accessory Reviews

Resin Display Protection Vinyls – Huge Benefit! Discount Code

For those of you that own a resin 3D printer, you'll notice that around the LCD screen there is a protective strip of tape which is a Resin Display Protection Vinyl. This can be bland and boring, but why not jazz it up with some colour!? Kevin from 3D DIY reached out to me and sent me some Resin Display Protection Vinyls to test with on my Longer Orange 10. If you spend over €10, you can get 5% off using the code INOV3D - This is only valid until the 15th March 2020 and limited to 50 orders so...

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Laser Engraving Reviews

TwoTrees TTS-55 Laser Engraver Review and Project Ideas

TwoTrees TTS-55 Laser Engraver is a updated version of a Diode Laser kit. This machine includes their 5W output Diode module. Other versions include a weaker 2.5W and newer plus stronger 10W lasers. The TTS-55 is right in the middle for output and overall price range. Diode Laser Engravers are typically considered entry or hobby level because of their cost, speed and capabilities. Regardless, this machine can be used for a variety of projects and may the first of many types of lasers customer may buy. TwoTrees TTS-55 is only the second laser engraver I have used. Technically, I am...

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3D Printed Lithophane: Take your photos to 3D Print

3D Printed Shaped Lithophanes, Have you ever wanted to bring your photos to life? How about giving them a new purpose or even incorporating them into different objects you use every day? By now you have more than likely heard of what a 3D printed Lithophane is. A century's old technology brought to life into the modern age with 3D Printing. What if you could create your 3D Printed and Custom shaped Lithophane in any design you wanted? Why 3D Print a Shaped Lithophane Bring your 2D photos into the 3D Printed World. Layer by Layer the Lithophane comes to...

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