

Trigorilla Anycubic Photon Initial Thoughts, Unboxing, Prints!

I wanted to write down some quick thoughts on the Trigorilla Anycubic Photon.  Most importantly, I wanted to let you know my initial thoughts without getting into too much detail for this quick article.trigolla-anycubic photon-castle

My Photon arrived on February 19th, 2019 and was well packaged and shipped without any broken bits.  Overall, it seems to be of  really sound and solid build, with no wiggly or jiggly parts that needed tightened.   The Photon was packed full of foam, and that kept any pieces from moving during shipping.  The minuscule amount of assembly was really nice too!

My Photon was fairly easy to get printing once I figured out how to properly set the Z=0 position.  Too many times of leveling a FDM printer made this harder than it should have been.  I’ll discuss my failures in the main review.  Check out this mini Medieval castle!

It has been printing for pretty much 24hrs straight since I plugged it in.  I’ve included some of prints and I am really looking forward to the full review after some long term use!  Go here to snag a Photon for yourself!  Anycubic did an amazing job getting such high detail prints at this price point.  I am excited to try a new medium instead of regular FDM style printing.  I can see the benefits of DLP/LCD resin printing has over FDM, and also some of it’s short comings.

What Do You Think?

Get your Trigorilla Anycubic Photon from Amazon!

Do you have a Photon?  Add your comments below on what you think about yours or what models you are printing!  Don’t be shy!  I know it’s pretty popular to just print miniatures with these, but I would like to branch out!

You should also check out Michael Bird‘s Trigorilla Anycubic Kossel Plus review!

Be sure to check out our 3D printer deals page and save yourself some money!


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