By now, anyone who connected to the internet watches television, or listens to the radio knows about Coronavirus. COVID-19. The pandemic has shut down economies and brought the world to a halt. What gives me hope during this ludicrous time to be living (aside from my faith) is the awesome potential people are living up to.
Wherever I look, I see good happening. And so, Duncan Shadow Dinosaurs are here to save the day. It seems like many consumers have resorted to hoarding essential items in mass amounts. Indeed, I’m looking at you, Apocalypse Preppers! But, what stands out to me most is the kindness that people are showing each other.
The 3D Printing community is no exception to that. Furthermore, it is getting even more publicity than before Coronavirus was even a thing! People are uniting to print much-needed supplies and items for the medical community. This is because the traditional manufacturing sector can’t keep up with demand. Amid all the chaos Coronavirus is causing, one digital artist is seeking to share his talents with the world.
Meet Duncan “Shadow” Louca, the Artist
Duncan Louca is a digital sculptor. Said another way, he uses computer software to do what the masters did in ancient times, using clay, stone, or wood. Duncan specializes in creating designs that can be 3D-printed for the collectables and toy industry.
His works have been utilized by the likes of Steamforged Games and Mierce Miniatures. They’ve been showcased with Mantic Games and Modiphius Entertainment. Also, GCT Studios, Paranoid Miniatures, and Spectre Miniatures include his art; just to name a few.
Duncan has decided to give back through his talents. Correctly, he is using dinosaurs to do this. Quoted from his Facebook post, dated March 16th, 2020:
“With the Coronavirus causing lots of people to have to self isolate and with schools being shut down I am releasing a pack of Dinosaurs as a giveaway so people who are stuck at home will have something to do, kids hopefully won’t get too [bored] and can spend some time doing something educational.”
Why this Approach is a Great One
The Coronavirus pandemic is revealing that the vast majority of Earth’s citizens have never lived through something so life-changing. Similarly, educating our children about Dinosaurs has a much more positive impact. According to, just over 40% of all US households have kids. I’m a part of that 40%. My youngest is a 3-year old boy. He loves dinosaurs! Coincidentally, my other children started their Spring Break this past week, as state after state began issuing “stay at home” mandates. Their school sent out e-mails explaining how returning to school would be remote, via “virtual classrooms”. My wife and I were not prepared to become home-school experts overnight. Enter stage left – Duncan Shadow Dinosaurs.

Toddler and Triceratops
I introduced my toddler to the world of 3D printing through toys, of course. More specifically, I did this through print-in-place movable animals, like Flexi-Rex. They quickly became his favourite toys and dinosaurs rose to the top. So, naturally, as I came across Duncan’s post, I was encouraged to expand this interest. My first choice to print was the Triceratops. I used a roll of rainbow-coloured filament that was changing between green and yellow. The details on the model were stunning! My boy quickly made sure to include Mr Triceratops in every activity. Thankfully, I managed to capture a few pictures before handing it over.
Thank You, Duncan Shadow Dinosaurs
Probably, I know what you’re thinking at this point. “I’d like to have these too. How do I get ahold of such an amazing deal?” Easy! First, visit Duncan’s website. Then, follow the link under the post labelled “Free giveaway”. Currently, there are two sets of Duncan Shadow Dinosaurs available for download. The promo codes you need to use to receive the models for free are in the descriptions. Finally, start printing. Spread some joy. And above all, stay safe as the world’s leaders work to resolve the Coronavirus crisis. Even more, consider supporting Duncan via Patreon if you love his work.
Looking to get your 3D Printer? Check out our review on the Longer LK4 Pro, written by Michael Bird or how about finding out more on the Geeetech Gold Silk PLA – Is all that Glitters Gold?