

Eryone Marble PLA filament: With A Realistic Marble Effect

Let’s take a look at another new filament by Eryone which I think looks fantastic! It is Eryone Marble PLA. Check out the Sparkly Blue, Transparent, Rainbow, Copper, Silver and many more on Inov3D if you haven’t already!

Let’s see the Marble!

Eryone Marble PLA is a nice looking filament with a realistic marble effect. As usual, it is neatly packaged within its plain brown packaging and vacuum sealed with the silica sachet. It would be great if Eryone were to have their own packaging. Not only would it look good, but would make it easier to identify when you have to put away.

How does it print?

Printing with Eryone Marble PLA is pretty easy, so therefore you can treat it as a normal PLA. And with this filament, I wanted to print big model in order to get the full effect of the marble. So I decided to go with the statue Still Water from my mini factory. Printed on my Ender 3 with a newly installed Micro Swiss All Metal Hotend, I didn’t really have to change many settings. I printed at 0.16mm, 3 walls and a 25% infill sliced with Simplify3D. This print measures approx 20cm tall.

Unfortunately, as it got just over halfway, I experienced a power cut of which you can see from the picture. I thought this could be a total failure but I was wrong and I found Eryone Marble PLA is easy to process once the print had finished. With the side cutters, I cut off the excess parts followed by a quick file down with some sandpaper. To finish the model, I  went onto using a touch of heat to get it looking great!

How effective is the marble?

The detail in the Eryone Marble PLA filament is excellent! It certainly looks like marble to me and stands out from the crowd for sure. The feel of this PLA is strong and sturdy. It has a slight shine which helps give it the authentic look. I imagine with some dry brushing of a different color paint could release this to its full potential! As I have heard that citadel paint works great for this effect.

I also had this model printed, but much smaller using CCTree Marble. The difference between these is that the CCTree marble PLA is more white in color, whereas this Eryone Marble PLA is more grey in color. This Marble PLA is more suited to printing statue like models of which you can find plenty on MyMiniFactory. I’ve yet to print more with this so keep an eye out on any future prints added!

Where can I get it?

As usual, Eryone Marble PLA is available on Amazon at a reasonable price. You may often find that Eryone have promotions on their filament so keep checking and also on their Facebook page.

Eryone Marble PLA is also available via their site at just £21.37!

Thanks for reading and I look forward to writing my next article for Inov3D! If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them here. While you’re here, have you checked out the All Metal Hotend Micro Swiss for the Ender 3? or how about the Elegoo Mars SLA-LCD 3D Resin Printer- Preview?

3D Printing Bird


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