

Gravity Wave: Recycling the ocean plastic

Ocean plastic is one of the major pollutants of the Oceans. With over thousands of tonnes of plastic generated every day, there is little that corporations do to dispose of them. And as a result, ultimately they decide to dump them in the open sea. Subsequently, plastic waste interferes with the natural ecosystem of marine life of which this highly affects their lives.  Gravity Wave has come up with an idea to eradicate the issue systematically and procedurally by turning the ocean plastic into re-usable phone cases and filament for 3D printers.

Gravity Wave: The Ocean Plastic Cleaner

Who could have imagined that 3D Printing could become a part of the solution in eradicating one of the major pollution issues of the time? Gravity Wave is collecting Ocean Plastic and converting it into stylish mobile phone covers, that are amazing to look at. Moreover, the Ocean Plastic serves as a beautiful raw material for 3D printer filaments.

Furthermore, the Company’s partner firm in Spain, where the recycling takes place, goes under the name Crazy & Things Factory. Above all, this is where they have prepared a prototype with the recycled Ocean Plastic. These filaments created in our 3D printer with a filament made out of Ghost Nets collected from the sea. And as a result, with every buck that you spend on buying their products, the more you will be contributing to the removal of Ocean Plastic.

Gravity Wave: Kickstarter Campaign

The Gravity wave has made it to Kickstarter where they are collecting funds to move their project forward. Their primary aim is to provide the clients with cleaner Oceans, along with high-quality products that are durable and sustainable. You can read out about the entire campaign on Kickstarter and decide for yourself that this is a cause that we all must participate in.

The Company has promised that the filament produced from recycled plastic is durable and sustainable. Moreover, it can be used like any other plastic filament for 3D printers.

Please visit Gravity Wave’s Kickstarter campaign, learn more about it and contribute to this noble and necessary cause.

Check out MyCusini Chocolate 3D Printer Review – Chocaholics rejoice! or how about 3D Printing in the Food Industry


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