Here is a tutorial that I am about to cover regarding a 3D printing technique known as Velocity Painting. The idea of adding a bit of extra to your 3D prints ...
About two decades ago, there were big, massive, hazardous, and expensive laser cutting and engraving Glowforge machines. Such machines weren’t for common ...
New technologies are constantly emerging, and every so often a new technology emerges that is so different to anything we’ve seen before that it feels like it ...
This tale is about turning your average food dehydrator into a 3D filament dryer. Storing hygroscopic filament correctly is very important. Hygroscopic means ...
How to Thermoform 3D printed parts in 2022. This is useful for the 3D printed hands and arms that I do for E-Nable. I will go over some benefits to this ...
Colorfabb Copperfill isn't new, it was released in 2014 and has been one of the more successful speciality filaments. Over the years, people have shifted more ...
A 3D printer is a unique invention that has made it possible for woodworkers to create small elements for their woodworking shops. With 3D printing, you can ...
It's been a while since I printed the OpenRC F1 Car 3D Model so it's time to give it a few updates! For this tutorial, I will show you how you can add a ...
Kevin from 3D-DIY got in contact with me after reading my review of the DIPA 3D FEP Film and asked if I would like to review his RGBW lighting kit. This is ...
Hear ye, hear ye! The future is in Open Beta Bed-leveling to get that perfect first layer. Then, there are temperature towers, stringing tests, and bridging ...
Have you just changed your hotend? Seeing fluctuating temperatures while printing? It is more than likely that you'll need to PID Tune your 3D printer. Here I ...
Tips for optimizing the 3D model before printing Very often a person has a lot of ideas about the pose for a 3D figure. It seems that with the help of a 3D ...