

COVID-19 – Helping Our Community

The media is full of reports of COVID-19, better known as coronavirus. It has made most of the world go into lockdown! This is so we can all reduce the spread of the virus by staying at home! Also, this has meant many people are working from home how the world has changed!

Thank you all so much for the support you have given us!

Coronavirus – What is it?

Coronaviruses are a group of viruses that cause disease in animals. Seven, including the new virus, have leapt to humans, but mostly cause cold-like symptoms.

Covid-19 is related to Sars (Severe acute respiratory syndrome) which swept around the globe in 2002/2003. The virus-infected approx 8,000 people and killed around 800, but it soon ran itself out. This was because most of those affected were ill, so it was easier to control.

Covid-19 differs from these two other corona viruses in that the spectrum of disease is broad, with around 80% of cases leading to a mild infection. There may also be many people carrying the virus and displaying no symptoms, making it even harder to control.

Around 20% of Covid-19 cases have been classed as “severe”. The current death rate varies between 0.7% and 3.4% depending on the location and, crucially, access to good hospital care.  Source – Telegraph

Covid-19 Faceshields

With key workers still on the front-line, they are facing a tough situation. Stocks on protective equipment is low or is being distributed to more demanding places meaning they have no protection against the spread of the virus. As 3D printer enthusiasts, we have all the tools and materials to help them out!

It has been global cooperation to get more PPE equipment out to those on the front-line, and we at Inov3D are helping where we can. Care workers, maternity wards, residential care homes are all screaming out for protective equipment.

The shields we first started with took 3 hours to print each one. This made it challenging to keep up with demand. So upon further investigation, we have found some more shields that can print within the hour. As a result, we can get more printed at the same time it took to print just one! You can find out more info on these shields at 3Dverkstan.

Funding Do You Want To Help? Contact Us.

We are a hobbyist is in the 3D printing industry and would like to offer our service to help to 3D print visors free. Our goal is to help our essential workers, who are working with no protection. We are reaching out to the community to see if anyone will donate materials or able to help with a small donation. We are continuously printing for hours to get the shields ready to send out. amazon wishlist

In every bag, we have put in head straps to help with when wearing a mask to prevent the elastic rubbing against their ears. Also, as a small gift, we designed a keyring with “Thank You NHS”. Both the head straps and keyrings are unpainted.

Covid-19 Kieran Watson Inspired Drawing – Fridge Magnet

Kieran Watson is 11 years old from Falkirk Scotland, who drew a tribute to frontline workers showing them “holding the country up” it then went viral on social media and has been shared over 170,000 times. We asked his parents Paul Watson and Jennifer Watson if we can have the honour to turn the drawing into a 3D Printed fridge magnet.

The owners of Inov3D William Donald and Lyn Stewart made this into a 3D Printed Fridge magnet with the help from our team member Casey Rinehart who designed it for you us. We have now been selling them on our ETSY store, which it overwhelm us with how much orders have come in. We are doing our best to raise funds to buy gloves and face mask to also give out with our shields, but for just now we are limited on doing this.

50% of the money will go to our funding to help the front-line workers

Covid-19 fridge magnet Buy Now on Etsy.

Willows Animal Sanctuary

We are very grateful for any help we receive. Any donations that are left once the COVID-19 virus is over, we would like to donate to Willows Animal Sanctuary & Animal-Assisted Therapy Unit. “Willows provides a lifelong home for neglected and abused animals. We also run a Therapy unit for vulnerable members of the public, and we are a three-star Scottish visitor attraction” GoFundMe

Photos By Willows Animal Sanctuary

Keeping the Face Shield Clean

We make the face shields with two types of plastic PLA And PVC. The printed part may be onetime use as pla is porous, you may sterilize if you have access to the correct methods for pla. We recommend not to use these in surgery. Do you want to learn more about purifying pla and PVC have a look at industrial spec on methods on sterilizing plastic. We also make the head straps out of PLA.

By all means, we are not in the medical industry and are just doing this to help the NHS, care homes and others who want the 3D printed shields every little protection helps to STOP THE SPREAD OF THE VIRUS. We are only hobbyists trying to help, just like most of the other people.

Who is taking part

Here is a list who is taking part in 3D printing, face shields, packaging and the areas where they will be providing.

Peterhead, Aberdeenshire

  • Lyn Stewart, two 3D Printers
  • William Donald, four 3D Printer William
  • Ewan Hutchison, one 3D Printer
  • Jacqui Donald helping to laminate sheets
  • Agnes Gordon and John Stewart helping with packaging/ delivery

Milton Keynes

  • Michael Bird, five 3D Printers 

Featuring The Community Covid-19

Are you supporting the community in these challenging times? Helping key workers?. Then we would like to know, Its time to get the word out on who is helping.

Name: Rachel McDonald       Location: Fetterangus, Aberdeenshire

“The volunteering thing, well we aren’t an official team, there are people who have proper organizations, but we are in fetterangus, a tiny village in Aberdeenshire so we don’t need that. I started it by printing off loads of leaflets with mine, Val fry and Stewart watt (he’s a local pastor) numbers on it and we went around the entire village with them so that people knew who to contact if they needed anything.

The thought of elderly and vulnerable people sitting in their houses stressed and too afraid to go out was too much for me, so that’s why I did it. We do food shopping for the locals who need us to pick up prescriptions, and we offer even just a chat on the phone if you are feeling lonely or worried about the current situation. I know there are a few other locals who are helping their neighbours around them, so the community has rallied around, it’s lovely to hear.

I don’t think we are doing anything special. We are just community-minded as we all should be despite the current situation! It’s handy in times of lockdown that I (from my work side of things) am classed as a key worker. As a food distributor/retailer that I’m allowed to travel to do deliveries of products to my clients. So I do the shopping while I’m out on a delivery day so I’m not going out every day.”

Name: Banff Academy   Location: Banff, Aberdeenshire

“Design &Technology staff at Banff Academy are putting their new facilities to good use in this hard time by manufacturing protective face shields for local people working with the public. They would like to show their support and appreciation for key workers and hope the face shields offer safety and reassurance over the coming weeks. To continue with production, staff would be most appreciative for donations of A3 laminating pouches (min. 200 microns thick) or clear acrylic/acetate/PVC equivalents. If you would like to help, please email [email protected].”

Name: Peterhead Community       Location: Peterhead, Aberdeenshire

There are a group of people who have set up Community Heart and Corona Virus Peterhead Community Group, for their local community. They never thought the demand would be so high. They had gone from 4 to 5 care packs a day to a staggering 17 yesterday. Because of this, they are struggling to secure enough donations to keep things going, and every day is a struggle.

Name: Nisa Local      Location: Mintlaw, Aberdeenshire

Four families owned stores within Mintlaw, Stuartfield, Maud and Strichen, all within Aberdeenshire stocked with the best locally sourced products. We reserve fresh meat from award-winning butcher Bert Fowlie, famous coleslaw and cooked meats from EwanMorrice. A great selection of freshly made products from local bakers, J & I Smith, Smiths of New Pitsligo, and Kindness bakers. Also great pies from McIntosh butchers of Fraserburgh and Brice of the Broch.

NISA are delivering groceries to everyone minimum order £10 (excel tobacco) free delivery to vulnerable people. We are working with local Covid-19 groups to get items to those who can’t email or phone an order in. We are helping older people to get a newspaper, so they stay at home and stay safe. Also assisting local groups to with charity donations. We are also doing kids drawing competition to keep them amused.

Name: Heather Murray      Location: St Fergus, Aberdeenshire

We have just finished delivering out over 40 activity packs for children in our local area. Also, we have dropped off a load of adult colouring books and puzzle books to Karen to distribute to oaps along with there food parcels.

We purchased most of them from Nikle n dime in Peterhead, who sold them to me at a discounted price. Now I’m into making headbands to go to any coworkers that have to wear face masks. The face masks can attach to the headbands inside of behind their ears, as iv heard many people get sores behind their ears from the elastic rubbing from the masks. I’m just working through St Fergus and surrounding area coronavirus helping hands page.”

Name: Mutch A Karen       Location: St Fergus, Aberdeenshire

“I run the food bank at St Fergus/ Crimond we drop off food parcels to the elderly and who are self-isolation. Parents that struggle we gave out Easter colouring books to kids also collect prescriptions if needed. We don’t get help like community heart Peterhead get with getting to put trolleys in shops, etc. We work on donations donated by St Fergus /Crimond people, and I buy food out of my money to.”

Name: Avril Reid   Location: Strichen, Aberdeenshire

“I have seen you are doing incredible work protecting NHS workers with you face shields. I have done a fundraiser and want the funds to stay locally and would like to donate to you. Could not have done it without the generosity of my friends and family. I raised over £700 selling lucky squares for a Doctor Teddy Bear I knitted. So I want to help wee good causes like your own. Well done to you and your team.” We can not thank you enough for the donation you have made, Thank You, Avril Reid.

Name: Casey Rinehart   Location: North Carolina, USA

Inov3D Head Strap

Casey Rinehart is a Team member of Inov3D he made this beautiful head strap design here is how he made it using Fusion 360 Step

1: Created a sketch on the XY plane in Fusion 360 of the strap shape.

2: Extruded the sketched strap 1.2mm

3: Created a recent sketch on the same plane and imported an SVG of the outline of the Inov3D logo and scaled it to fit.

4: Extruded the logo shape and crescent shapes 1.8mm

Name: Mintlaw Matters      Location: Mintlaw, Aberdeenshire

Volunteers in north-east village step forward to help those in need by Rebekah McVey People from a north-east town are determined to support each other throughout the coronavirus pandemic. Covid-19 Mintlaw Matters is a group of volunteers that was formed to help members of the community and surrounding area. At the initial meeting, there were six people. Still, in only a week, the support has grown to 60 volunteers following the creation of a Facebook page which allowed people to register.

Flyers were printed and distributed throughout the entire village, highlighting the help that could be given. Support includes shopping, delivering prescriptions and delivering free school meals. Neighbouring communities such as Auchnagatt, Maud, Strichen and New Pitsligo can also receive this support.

The group received a Shell Resilience Grant to help with expenses and a cash donation from a resident, PX Limited also made the volunteer’s ID badges and food donations were received from the staff at Mintlaw Academy and flowers from the Mintlaw Co-op. A spokeswoman for Mintlaw Community Council said: ” these donations, both in cash and kind. Have ensured we have been able to respond to calls for help and support from vulnerable members in our community and can continue to do so until we are back to living ‘normal’ lives.”

Name: Fraserburgh Community      Location: Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire

They are helping anyone who needs while the coronavirus is progressing—anything from factual news on the virus to helping someone who is isolated with shopping and care packages. Let’s get some community spirit stick together.

Photo Slideshow ranging from covid 19 inspirational artwork, people wearing the shields and how they are made.


Name: Natalie Zeindler-Way      Location: Aberdeenshire

William Donald put a post on coronavirus Peterhead community page on Facebook. “Asking does anyone have laminate sheets” this excellent lady came to me and said we have 800 also we can laminate them for you.

Name: Imagineering Sign Makers      Location: Peterhead, Aberdeenshire

This sign maker in Peterhead helped us when we needed help by providing us with a corner cutter and acetate sheet. Thank you, Fred McLean And George Davidson.

Name: TIANSE    Location: China

This fantastic company let us purchase 7KG of Silver PLA Filament at 95 Percent off. We can’t thank them enough for this. It will help us to keep producing more shields! Have a look at what they offer on their amazon store. I’m sure you will find something helpful.

Name: Peterhead Power Station      Location: Aberdeenshire

Thank you so much for the 2000 laminating pouches and for donating a laminator to Natalie zeindler-way means a lot. Because of her one breaking down. “Peterhead Power Station is a multi-unit station owned and operated by SSE plc near Boddam and the A90, just south of Peterhead, in Aberdeenshire in the northeast of Scotland.”

Name: Thistle Ladies Clay Shooting     Location: Aberdeenshire

Thank you to Thistle Ladies Clay Shooting for the £100 donation, we are glad to help your daughter and her colleagues at Gmeds.

Name: Artillery   Location: China

We have been working with Artillery since they started. Some of our team members even got the chance to review the Sidewinder X1 and Artillery Genius. Artillery now wants to sponsor us with their Sidewinder X1 for 3D printing visors. It took no time at all to set up the Printer and perfect prints straight away. We love it thank you Lenu Lu for giving us this opportunity may we work closely.

Shenzhen Yuntuchuangzhi Technology Co., Ltd, a former well-known 3D printer accessories supplier in China, has been supplying parts to China’s major 3D printer manufacturers for years. With years of experience, teaming up with skilful domestic and foreign engineers, entered the 3D printer R&D area in 2018.

Name: Moray East wind farm     Location: EDINBURGH

We got introduced to Paul Mewse from moray east, and they wanted to sponsor us with buying our ENTIRE amazon wish list £1260. Kirsty Moir was then in charge of purchasing the products. Thank you so much for everything you have done. It has helped us with printing the visors and headband a lot quicker.

Moray East is a highly competitive offshore wind project which was granted consent (1,116MW) in 2014 by the Scottish Government. In 2017 it won a 950MW contract for the difference at competitive auction, which set the price of power generated at £57.50 per MWhr and will be delivered early in the next decade.

We can save millions of tonnes of Co2 over the lifetime of our offshore wind farm. Offshore wind farms have the advantage of accessing higher wind speeds and mitigating the key concern of wind turbines. The Moray East wind farm will join one of very few large-scale wind farms in Scotland and be able to power approximately one million homes. This will save an extensive amount of Co2 from entering the atmosphere every year when compared to gas-fired power plants.

Feed Back

  • Linda McKenzie

Thank you for my fridge magnet and a big thanks for all the help you and Lynn have done lately. You’ve made the workplaces a lot more safe Am so proud of you both.

  • Anne Morrison 

I am delighted with my two fridge magnets, William and Lynn. they are great, and decent size!!.. Inspired by young Kieran Watson aged 11, and by permission of his dad, this a fantastic ‘historic’ keepsake, and highly recommend!. I wasn’t expecting to get them delivered.

  • Yvonne FARREL

Isn’t it great when you see folk who would probably never have met under normal circumstances come together to. Voluntarily support our wide variety of heroes out there keeping us safe, fed and protected! Rachel Mcdonald who manages Sew From The Heart (together with Aberdeen & Aberdeenshire Scrub Bag Run) and William Donald and Lyn Stewart of Inov3D. Have voluntary joined forces and are contributing considerably donating scrub bags and face visors to those in need. And it’s not just the grown-ups. Inov3D is now also producing a fridge magnet from a drawing by 11-year-old Kieran Watson from Falkirk. With permission from his parents). I received my magnet yesterday, and I’m fairly chuffed with it. What a talented loon he is.

  • Rachel McDonald

Here are the exceptional guys who have been helping provide visors for anyone who needs them. Some people who are getting the scrub bags are getting visors too because of the shortage of PPE. They are also making the very cool drawing from Keiran come to life and are using the helps fund the visor project.

  • Nikki Mission Donald 

So proud of my brother and his partner!! Keep up the wonderful work xx

  • Jacqui Donald

Wow! they have reported William Donald and Lyn Stewart hard work and selfless dedication to helping front-line workers in BBC NEWS!!  Well done to you both!

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