New technologies are constantly emerging, and every so often a new technology emerges that is so different to anything we’ve seen before that it feels like it ...
If you know Tronxy, you probably know them for their budget 3D printers. Tronxy was the first to offer a sub $200 DIY 3D printer kit that actually worked. To ...
YouSu is a 3D printing material manufacturer based in China that specializes in high-tech 3D research and development. One of the products Yousu offer is their ...
We've seen the launch of many new FDM 3D printers in recent months. With many pushing boundaries and some remakes of old classics. In this review, I'm going ...
I have the new LOTMAXX SC-10 3D printer. It appears to have a lot of similarity's to the Creality CR20. Let's take a quick read on who Senma is. LOTMAXX is a ...
Hear ye, hear ye! The future is in Open Beta Bed-leveling to get that perfect first layer. Then, there are temperature towers, stringing tests, and bridging ...
Tips for optimizing the 3D model before printing Very often a person has a lot of ideas about the pose for a 3D figure. It seems that with the help of a 3D ...
3D printing is taking the world by storm! Everyone seems to be in mad, tail-spin dive to find the bottom of the market. The resin printer sector is no ...
Each day that goes by in the 3D Printing industry brings better prices and higher quality. This year's Black Friday - a retail tradition that offers the best ...
Artillery Sidewinder had a baby and clothed in it Blue - the Artillery Genius is born! Over the past year, Artillery / Evnovo has quickly made a name for ...